Hey lovelies! If you are transitioning or are already natural nine times out of 10 you already heard about hair types. I remember the first time I heard about it, I immediately looked it up. I felt like well, now instead of labeling hair either good or bad now we have a numbering system! YAY! (hint of sarcasm)....Here is the 1,2,3,4 hair typing system thanks to Curls.biz and Naturallycurly.com
Type 1: Straight hair. It has the most shine. It is also the most resilient and is the hardest to damage. Because the hair is straight, natural hair oils can run down the shaft easily and there for this hair is the oiliest.
Type 2 (wavy): In between straight and curly hair. Has more sheen then curly but less than straight. More prone to frizz
2a- Can alternate between straight and curly
2b and 2c- More resistant to styling
Now this is where it gets more detailed. Type 3 and 4 are what most of us Black naturals have.
Type 3 ( curly): The curl pattern is definite. When it is pulled it has an S curl pattern. It is very climate dependent meaning that the more humid it is the more frizz there is. This hair is also damage prone. If not taken care of properly the curls can appear dull.
3a- Big, loose, shiny curls. The shorter the hair the straighter the hair. Think Julia Roberts big red curls.
3b- Medium sized curls ranging from ringlets to tight corkscrews.
3c- Tight curly corkscrews. Can be curly or kinky; strands tightly packed together. aka big hair.
3b- side walk chalk circumference
3c- pencil or straw circumference
Type 4 (Kinky): Very fine and fragile. Won't have shine but will have sheen. Actually very soft and will feel silky.
4a: Very tightly coiled and has s pattern. Has more moisture than 4b. Coffee stirrer circumference
4b: less defined. Has a Z shape pattern
4c: There wasn't much said about this type but I can imagine that is is less defined than 4b and still carries the Z shape pattern.
Okay, now that we have the traditional hair typing system out of the way, what is different about the LOIS system? In my opinion it doesn't divide us because people who are in the 4 category will have some of the same hair issues as those in the 3 category. It decides what your hair needs by the way your strands curl, the thickness of your hair and your hair texture. Take a look:
L - If the hair has all bends, right angles and folds with little to no curve then you are daughter L.
O - If the strand is rolled up into the shape of one or several zeros like a spiral, then you are daughter O.
I - If the hair lies mostly flat with no distinctive curve or bend you are daughter I.
S - If the strand looks like a wavy line with hills and valleys then you are daughter S.
You may have a combination of the LOIS letters, possibly with one dominant. If you cannot see one letter over the others, then combine the letters. Example: LO or IL or OS..
Find Your Strand size:A strand of frayed thread is about the thickness of a medium sized strand of human hair. If your strand is larger than this, then your hair is thick. If your strand is smaller than this, hair is thin, or fine..
Find Your Texture: Shine is a sharp reflection of light while Sheen is a dull reflection of light.
Thready - Hair as a low sheen, with high shine if the hair is held taut (as in a braid), with low frizz. Wets easily but water dries out quickly.
Wiry - Hair has a sparkly sheen, with low shine and low frizz. Water beads up or bounces off the hair strands. Hair never seems to get fully wet.
Cottony - Hair has a low sheen, a high shine if the hair is held taunt and has high frizz. Absorbs water quickly but does not get thoroughly wet very fast.
Spongy - Hair has a high sheen with low shine with a compacted looking frizz. Absorbs water before it gets thoroughly wet.
Silky - Hair has low sheen, a very high shine, with a lot or low frizz. Easily wets in water.
Now take my hair for instance. I have mostly O curl and some S in the back since my curls are looser there. My strand size is smaller than a piece of thread and my texture is cottony. And by the LOIS system I think it is easier to find out which products are better for your hair. For my hair I would buy lightweight products that add shine and define my curls, reduce frizziness and add moisture. Let me know what you all think. Peace and Blessings.
Labels: african american hair, black hair, curly hair, Hair type 3, hair type 4, kinky hair, LOIS hair typing system, natural hair, naturallyflyy