Natural Model: Meet Ms. Ashley Steele!

I thought it would be great to show that natural hair is considered beautiful even in a tough industry like modeling. That's when I linked up with Ashley Steele to do this blog. Enjoy the interview questions and spread the word on Ashley representing Ohio!!!
1) how long have you been natural? If you haven't always been natural what inspired you to go natural?
I have been natural since 2005. I made the switch when I went off to college. I never did the big chop, I slowly phased the relaxer out of my hair getting trims every now and then; it didn't take too long!
2) what is your favorite thing about your natural hair?
The fact that I don't have to do much with it to make it look good. I don't have to sit in a hot salon for hours on a Saturday, or risk burning my scalp with chemicals. Just keeping it clean and moisturized works. I also like how BIG my hair is! I think it frames my face very well and emphasizes my prominent African features.
3) what is your favorite natural hair style?
Either a simple twist out, or when I pin it up into a mohawk…Natural chic. (: I need to find some new styles to try...
4) would you consider yourself a product junkie or do you keep it simple?
I'm always trying to try the newest thing out, or something someone just wrote a rave review about. I wouldn't say I have a set routine because of this so yes, product junkie! (: I'm currently using Carol's Daughter products (almost the whole line lol).
5) What are your thoughts on this "new natural hair movement"? Do you think it's a fad or a trend that's here to stay?
Its a movement I'm glad to see! Natural beauty is the best kind! Some ladies use lace front wigs and tracks and lets just say it's not always a good look. I'm not afraid to be who I am! It's beautiful! (: I think it is definitely here to stay. I get compliments on my hair all the time, and lots of women tell me they are also considering going natural. Women I know who have been natural for years I'm sure have embraced it for life.
Questions concerning modeling w/ natural hair:
6) I'm pretty sure most naturals can agree that we can see more and more Black women going natural. This is also being reflected on t.v. And in some magazines. Working in the modeling industry, are you seeing more Black models embracing their natural hair?
Sadly I'm not. In the industry it is all about your look, natural or not you have to present yourself better than the next. So if it includes fake lashes, tracks, or implants some women will do it. I'll go as far as fake lashes lol. At a casting call, I'm usually the only natural. I can recall 1 occasion where there was one other than myself.
7) do you find it more difficult to book photo shoots because of your natural hair? When you do get a call backs for jobs do they want to straighten your hair or add straight weave for a more European look?
Actually no! People prefer to work with me in my natural state, telling me it makes me unique and really enhances my facial features. I do however want to get a few photos in my portfolio with my hair straight. It helps to be versatile and be able to wear different looks.
8) has anyone ever tried to convince you that relaxing your curls would be better for your career? If so what did you tell them?
Nope! I think they know better (: I'm stubborn!
9) if you found it too difficult to find work because of your natural hair would you consider chemicals again?
No, it's not worth it. And I don't think I'll be presented with that problem. However, if I am, I hope the stylist has the time and patience to wash, blow dry, deep condition, comb, twist, blow-dry and then straighten! No more chemicals for me!
10) what advice would you give other aspiring natural hair models trying to break into the industry?
Don't be intimidated by the fake. Embrace your natural look, your natural essence and natural beauty. Your confidence can help your shine brighter than the competition! (:
I LOVE all of Ms. Steele's answers to my questions! Love her look too! Definitely someone to put into your "natural hair inspiration" folder! lol
You can check more of Ashley Steele out at or on Twitter. Her screen name is MsAshleyS
Labels: african american hair, inspiration, model, modeling, natural hair, naturallyflyy, style, urban